It was exciting and interesting to be a part of making LA County

Looking back, it seems that skateboarding was somewhat underexposed and was very much a rebellious, counterculture activity. There were very few skateparks and not nearly as many skateboarders as there are today. Few people liked skateboarding and skaters like they are appreciated today. No one had smartphones and that allowed for a randomness and unpredictability in the world that is less common today. Los Angeles was much less wealthy and not gentrified and as a result it was a bit more interesting and a lot more affordable. It was a time for skateboarding in LA that was raw and unpredictable. It seems like LA County captured some of that energy through the skateboarding of guys who would go on to become industry leaders and skateboarding legends.

Skater #1

"Skateboarding's Golden Era at its finest."

Skater #2

"A video from the perspective any skateboarder living in Los Angeles during that time."
